Dec. 31, 2021 by Impacto

We’re celebrating 17 years of serving alongside great missions-minded people who have given their time, energy, finances, and prayers! God has blessed Impacto in countless ways and we give Him the praise and glory for every success, every child and adult who have come to know Him and see His love in action. 

You. You are the ones who have listened to God’s call to help and to serve. You are the ones who have helped feed the hungry, malnourished, provide medicine and hope to those who are less fortunate. You are the ones that have made it possible for us to serve and minister. You have been answers to prayers. You have given and given generously. You have helped to touch lives of the vulnerable and given dignity to the poor. 

As we enter a new year, we continue to count on your partnership. Your support will ensure that we are able to continue making life better each day for those we minister to in Guatemala. Bringing light, hope, and the love of Christ to people is what you are helping accomplish. Yes, you are extremely important and involved in helping to transform lives! 

Yes, you are making a difference in more lives than you know and we give thanks to God for you. Thank you. Thank you for your compassion, generosity, and faithful support.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Serving Christ with you,

Pastor Luis Martinez

CEO and Founder, Impacto Ministry Inc.

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14


I have heard people say that they do not have talents and feel that they cannot be used by God. According to Isaiah 55:5, even though we don’t realize it, God can use each one of us. The verse says: “Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you, because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor.” [NIV]

This is exactly what has happened to us at Impacto Ministry in every ministry effort. Years or maybe even months ago, I had not met you; but I prayed to God and people that I had not met came to help us! You have no idea the magnitude of the results! We do not know how many souls have come to know Christ as their Savior through the years. In just the last two-and-a-half years, God has allowed us to plant nineteen churches! 

I encourage that one of your New Year’s resolutions would be to continue being faithful supporters of this missions ministry and to continue praying for all our ministries in Guatemala. 

May our Lord bless you!

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