2020 - WHAT A YEAR!

Dec. 31, 2020 by Impacto

It is safe to say that as 2020 comes to an end our thoughts are, “what a year”! And what a year it was! 2020 was 100% unplanned. It was a year that taught us that flexibility is key. As staff, we had to be flexible as the pandemic evolved, as we had to cancel teams, as we had to turn Happy Tummies into Happy Tummies To Go, and go virtual with our Bible Institute. Thinking outside the box was a must and finding new ways to do things became one of the biggest challenges. God remains faithful through it all!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we have continued to minister to those around us as best as we can through this pandemic.


As staff, we would like to share with you our most difficult and most joyous moments of 2020.

  1. What was the most difficult thing for me this year?
  2. What brought me the most joy this year?

Pastor Luis

(1) In the 5 languages of love, one of mine is showing affection and I have really missed being able to hug and share with all our friends (teams) during 2020.

(2) God has used the pandemic to open many other doors and one of those will make it possible in the next few months to reach 150 students through our Satellite Bible Institute.


(1) Seeing the entire world shut down, and not being able to see the teams, the Impacto staff, and workers.

(2) Being able to spend more time reading and studying the Bible as well as more one on one time with Luis.


(1) It has been hard to not host teams and to not be able to serve in the way we had planned.

(2) My biggest joy has been to be able to spend more time with my family. I also have enjoyed having time to read and study more.


(1) Navigating our young children through a pandemic and feeling tied down in diverse aspects of the ministry. It has been hard to not see the children, abuelitos, and teams.

(2) Spending so much extra time with Tony and our children. Teaching our children at home and seeing their faces as they grasp new concepts and learn new things.


(1) The most difficult thing for me this year, was not being able to see all of our friends and meet new ones from North American mission teams. They bring so much joy, help, and encouragement to us and to the people of Guatemala. Another thing is that many of the ministry activities programmed for this year like Zona Cero, the Bible Conference, the Pastor’s congress, etc. needed to be canceled per order of our Government.

(2) I praise God for though things have been different, He has allowed me to spend time with my family. It has been a reason of joy for sure. Since all students have been at home taking online classes we have been able to spend way more time helping our children. It also has allowed more time with people who need prayer, encouraging words, and someone that can just be there to listen to them.


(1) For me, the most difficult part of 2020 was the new challenges we faced as a staff in relationship building/serving. We were so accustomed to hosting teams, hands-on activities, hugging, and being face to face with the people we serve on a daily basis. I'm proud of the ways we adapted and grew, but nevertheless, it was difficult.

(2) I have to share two things. It's been such a joy to see our staff grow closer, learn together, and improve in so many areas this year. Secondly, marrying my best friend in February was a day I'll never forget and it's such a blessing to have him as my life partner.


(1) Not being able to be in Guatemala, not being able to be with all the staff, and seeing how the pandemic and other issues have brought more and more chaos to our already broken world.

(2) The training sessions our staff has been able to have via Zoom with 7 stellar teachers; it has been an even better experience than anticipated!


For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance

of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

Ezra 7:10

New Year's Resolutions

We have reached the time of the year where everyone is thinking about their New Year’s resolutions. We are right at the gate of 2021. Everyone makes new resolutions each year such as, buying a house, buying a car, being more organized, losing weight, and checking something from their bucket list. I want to share with you 3 resolutions, which I love. Ezra made these for his own life and I think we can all ake them for our own lives.

For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Ezra 7:10

Resolution 1 – study the Law of the Lord

Resolution 2 – observe the Law of the Lord

Resolution 3 – teach the Law of the Lord

These are 3 resolutions that I encourage we all make in our lives for 2021. May God Bless each of you and Happy New Year!

happy new year! Hallelujah

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