Jan. 31, 2024 by Impacto


This is a little different from our usual end-of-the-month e-letter. We have been presented with an awesome opportunity too good to pass up! A few days ago, a very dear friend came to Pastor Luis and conveyed the following message, “I am willing to match up to US$20,000 from here to the last day of February to go towards the construction of the new quadplex.” As you can imagine, we cannot pass this opportunity up. As we sat with our staff and worked on plans on how to make this happen, we were met with the pleasant surprise that February has an extra day this year! So, we have a whole extra day to reach our goal, and well, we know what God can do in one day, don’t we?

We need a total of US$150,000 to build the quadplex. We already have the sum of US$100,000 which leaves us needing US$50,000. If we are able to match the US$20,000 we would only need US$10,000 by the end of February! This is definitely an answer to prayer. We have been praying so much and so hard for this quadplex.

But you might be asking, why do they need another building? So glad you asked! During the year many of our teams share weeks, and they have been troopers at sharing rooms with people whom they have never met! Yet sometimes there are families with young kids, couples, and older people with special nighttime needs. Though we know some things are out of our hands, we try to make Xejuyu a place of rest to refresh for those who come to serve.

Another reason was that this past December we hosted 300 teens for Zona Cero and in 4 rooms that are meant to house 32 people we had over 120 teenage girls sleeping. Around 150 teenage boys were all sleeping on the second floor of the church sanctuary! Although we know they had fun and don’t mind where they sleep, we also want to make sure we treat our guests the best we can.

Additionally, during our Bible Conference and Pastor’s Congress we continue to rent out hotels as we do not have enough space to provide everyone with lodging. With a second quadplex we could most likely decrease our budget for those events even if only a small percentage. Furthermore, with the Bible Institute growing we would love to host two weeks of intense classes, this would allow the students to have a deeper understanding and, God willing, graduate earlier.

Of course, we could keep going with reasons, however, these are perhaps our biggest ones. As plans continue to grow and change, we know that this second quadplex will be nothing short of a blessing. 

So, we have until February 29, 2024 to raise US$20,000 and have it matched to equal a total of US$40,000. We know that with God and with your help we can do this! And remember, God gave us an extra day this year ... as Pastor Luis says, “let’s take advantage of this, in the good way.”

To be a part of this Matching Gift Challenge, click on DONATE NOW for ways to donate to Impacto. Designate: Matching Quad! If you have questions, please contact Andrea at [email protected]

For no word from God will ever fail.

Luke 1:37 [NIV]

As you’ve read in this newsletter we are focusing on asking God for a miracle: To raise US$20,000 to match the US$20,000 pledged by a friend. This is why today’s verse is, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” We see this verse being repeated in the Bible. One of those times is when God promised Abraham a child through Sarah and Sarah laughed. God answered, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

Another time was when the angel told Mary she was going to conceive a child though the Holy Spirit. Mary asked, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” (Luke 1:34). The angel answered, “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). 

Today we need US$20,000 to match another US$20,000 offered by a friend. And my conclusion is, ‘is there anything impossible for God?’

Thank you, dear friends, for being a part of this awesome opportunity!

Pastor Luis

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