March 31, 2021 by Impacto

It’s almost Easter! Easter is such a wonderful time of the year. Last year Easter was “cancelled” for many. However, cancelling an egg hunt, or Easter dinner with your family, or missing out on spring break is not cancelling Easter. Easter is to be celebrated in our hearts, our souls, with words of worship, praise, and joy! We, as Christians, should be shouting, as people did many years ago, “hosanna!”

We are not sure what your Easter looks like this year. Maybe you will be surrounded by family, maybe you will be on vacation, or maybe you will be grieving. Whatever the case may be, we pray that you will praise God and that you will pause and remind yourself and those around you of the true meaning of Easter. Food is great, bunnies are fun, chocolate is fantastic! But remember that we are celebrating the death of Christ and yet most importantly, the fact that 3 days later He arose! We’ve heard the story so many times that we often forget what an awesome miracle that was. Let it sink in for a few minutes. Jesus. Arose. From. The. Grave. He was dead and then He was alive again! It is mind boggling! Only our Lord could do a miracle of that magnitude. To know that we serve and are loved by such a powerful God is so humbling and something we should never take for granted. So, please, enjoy your Easter and praise God for His power this week.

We've had a lot of inquiries asking how the construction at Xejuyu is coming along so we want to share a couple pictures with you. It is very exciting to see all the progress!

building - aleluya

in building aleluya


Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.

Matthew 22:21 [NIV]

Give to God What is God's

It is interesting to me that as we are in tax season, Jesus gave advice to us days before his sacrificial event. Some people have approached me and asked if it is ok to pay taxes to the government. I tell them that Jesus gave us this advice in the Bible.

Jesus asked for a coin so he could ask whose image was on that coin, and they answered “Caesar’s.” So he said “to give back to Caesar what is Caesar ’s, and to God what is God’s” Matthew 22:18-21. Today, if some asks if it is lawful to pay taxes, the answer is yes. We all have to pay our taxes.

Out of curiosity, I wanted to see whose image was on the US currency. I see George Washington on the $1 bill, Abraham Lincoln in the $5 bill, Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill, Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, Ulysses Grant on the $50 bill and Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill. If on our bills we see the faces of those who were once a part of our government we must give to our government what is for the government.

Jesus clearly said give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. If we give the government our taxes then what shall we give God? We are to give Him our lives. That is what He wants. We need to live according to a testimony that will honor and glorify God, to serve Him and love Him with our entire being. So, in the midst of this tax season, I encourage you to be wise and honest when filing taxes. And as you continue in life, I encourage you to joyfully serve God.

wedding picture aleluya


A few days ago in one of our churches in Guatemala City named, Faith in Action, we were made aware of a triple wedding! It was small and intimate and followed all required protocol. The three couples that were married were couples who had been living together and had children. A while back, before COVID, Pastor Luis preached at this church and some of the couples involved came to Christ and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior. Then, COVID hit, yet the Pastor of this church continued to follow up, and disciple the couples. And as soon as COVID restrictions permitted they decided to get married and dedicate their marriages to God!

This church is roughly 5 hours away from San Juan. It would be so hard for Pastor Luis to continue with follow up and discipleship after planting the seed. It is a blessing for us to minister alongside our 19 pastors. Thank you. Many of you have given monetary support towards these pastors; and many of you have also visited their churches bringing with you encouragement and gifts for them and their congregations.

march birthday workers aleluya

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Age is Not a Factor in Serving
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Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
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