April 30, 2022 by Impacto

As many of you are welcoming warmer weather, we are experiencing crazy weather! It’s hot in the mornings, then it turns cloudy, and just as we think it’s going to pour, the sun comes out, the wind picks up, and we find ourselves reaching for a sweater!

Much like the weather being all over the place, so are Guatemala's COVID guidelines and regulations. We rejoice that we have been given the green light to almost go back to normal. There are still a few guidelines that must be followed, one of them being that wearing a mask indoors is mandatory. However, these are circumstances we can handle since we still get to share the Gospel and the love of Jesus in our community.

Our newest church, How Great Thou Art, is growing! Services are held in the Tabernacle at Xejuyu [pictured above] or inside the Abuelitos Building [pictured at the top with the fountain out front]. As our staff has supported many new churches, this one is a bit different for us. We are members at this church and not there to get a job done. We are there to serve, worship, and grow in our faith. We are involved with our families; they are a part of this church and are also serving. Our hearts are full as we are part of a church family, and we get to walk with and encourage each other in this new adventure.

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk,

so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,

now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

1 Peter 2:2-3 [NIV]


The verse I would like to share with you today is, 1 Peter 2:2-3 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

The word "crave" is a very strong word in the original language. It means to do anything I can do, even to the impossible, to reach or achieve something I want with all my heart. Peter is using this word in an analogy, to crave as newborn babies so that by it you may grow. This means that there is no other way to grow in the Christian life if it is not by the blessed Word of God. 

We don’t have much space in this letter, but I want to ask you to read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Here, you will see what blessings we can reach out to by drawing near and listening to the Word of God. Keep on reading through the end of Chapter 28 and you will find the curses when a person walks away from God’s Word and disobeys Him.

I pray for you, that you crave, like a newborn baby, the Word of God. 

May God bless you,

Pastor Luis


Did you know that when you donate towards our Training fund you are helping us disciple a plethora of Jesus followers? In each of the next four newsletters we would like to highlight one of our Training Ministries starting with the Bible Institute.

The Bible Institute started as a monthly training held for pastors and church leaders. Many of them in Guatemala obey the call to preach and/or lead. Even so, many of them cannot afford to pay for tuition, room, and board to attend Bible classes anywhere. In 2020 we were meeting twice a month, then COVID hit. What we thought was going to be the end of the Bible Institute turned into the jolt needed to make it grow.

We asked many of you to help us buy laptops and help pay for wi-fi for the churches where our students could meet. Students [4 are pictured above] who could not travel due to distance and/or funds could now join local class and since everyone was at home we could meet weekly! We jumped from having 60 students to 180! We have students from all over Guatemala and we are starting to trickle into Mexico! We are officially international! 

Our student body is formed of pastors, lay men and women, those who just want to learn more about God and His Word, and people in their 80’s and in their teens! Many have commented how much they’ve grown in their knowledge of God and His Word, consequently growing their faith. They have also shared that through this knowledge they’ve gained they are able to better share their faith with others. Because of this we have seen the Kingdom grow! 

As we write this, we have two churches who are gathering their group of students to join in the next few weeks. As we continue to grow this ministry, we ask that you prayerfully consider joining us. The expenses are big, but the outcome is bigger! We continue to buy laptops, pay for wi-fi, and send books [below is a picture of this semester's books] to all who join (shipping is no joke!). 

Join us as we continue this beautiful ministry while carrying out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19a, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations.

Age is Not a Factor in Serving
March 23, 2020 by Jan Landrum
Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
March 23, 2020 by Phil and Kathy Troyer
Kennedy Williams Testimony
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God’s Light is Shining Bright
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