April 30, 2023 by Impacto

As April reaches its end we look back and thank God for a wonderful month!

This month we started the transition of hosting the Abuelitos at Xejuyu. There are still some odds and ends we need to fix before they meet there full time, but they’ve had their first breakfast there this month and loved it! April has also seen the start of Stitches of Blessings at our church in Guatemala City (Gerona). Stitches of Blessings will operate slightly different in Gerona. We made a sewing shop with 8 machines, however there are more than 8 women that come and learn to sew. It has proven to be a great way to teach the women to sew, also to teach them more about God’s Word, and to fellowship. Most of the women that are being ministered to are part of the squatter community and either new Christians, or non-believers. This is why fellowship is such an important part of this ministry, they can talk in a safe space and find the spiritual guidance and support they otherwise lack. 

Our staff is so grateful for your love and support the first 4 months of this year. We pray that we will continue to use the rest of this year to bring glory and honor to Christ.

above: stitches of blessing at Gerona

below: Two abuelitos enjoying breakfast at Xejuyu

He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

Titus 3:5 [NIV]


Many of us Christians may have a favorite preacher, pastor, or teacher and I have a few who I love to listen. I do realize that many times we should let the Word of God itself speak to us directly. In this opportunity I want God’s word to speak to you and me. One of the most beautiful letters in the New Testament is the one Paul wrote to his spiritual son, Titus. Titus chapter 3 speaks about the great salvation we have through the mercy of God. Verse 5 says that He saved us not by works of righteousness we may have done but through His Great Mercy, through the washing of His precious blood. There is nothing we can do to earn our Salvation and Paul explains to Titus that it’s only done by the pure mercy of God.

In a previous Corner, I explained the meaning of Mercy. The word comes from three Latin words put together that mean “to go to the misery of the heart.” This is precisely what God did with you and me and wants to do with many people; to see the misery of our hearts and save us through His grace. I hope you will read and meditate on Titus Chapter 3.


The Bible Conference and the Pastor’s Congress are two of our biggest events each year. We are expecting over 200 participants at each of these ministry events! Both the Conference and the Congress are very special to us. We work closely with a lot of pastors and many, many church leaders, and we see the way they serve; how they give themselves to the ministry. We see them sacrifice many things like, finances, rest, time with their family, spiritual fatigue, etc.

We also get to the see them during the Conference and Congress. We get to see how their spirit’s lift. How their faces change from the first day to the last day. We hear their burdens and carry those burdens alongside them in prayer to make the load lighter. We see couples who come in the first day feeling tired, maybe even a little frustrated or irritated; and we get to see them leave with refreshed love for God and each other. Being able to spend time together and be away from everyone and everything while spending time with other pastors/leaders, some of which are couples, and lift each other up is a time of renewal. 

The pastors and leaders make lifelong friendships here as well, both with each other and our staff. We have heard their stories, seen their hearts, prayed with them, rejoiced with them, cried with them, and so much more. 

If you’d like to be a part of this effort and help us minister to these souls who selflessly serve God you can do so by sponsoring a participant! We need $200 per participant. This covers, lodging, 9 meals, material, and every workshop/exposition. Thank you for partnering with us for this great cause! To help with this mission, click the DONATE NOW button below to see how to make your gift. If giving online, select Training/Pastoral Support, if sending a check, please write Training/Pastoral Support on the memo line. Your gifts will help as we strive to equip the saints! May God bless you for your compassion and generosity. Thank you!

Above: Ladies Session at 2022 Pastor's Congress

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