Dec. 15, 2022 by Impacto

In just a few days we will be celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we prepare our hearts for such a wonderful commemoration, we would like to share some Praises and Requests with you…


  • We are ending 2022 with a bang! At Zona Cero we were expecting between 100-150 teens. We ended the week with over 200 teens! Which meant there were over 250 people being fed! At the end of the week, we asked 148 teens to take a survey and out of this total, 51 of them claimed to have accepted Christ during Zona Cero 2022! To God be all the glory! We praise Him for all He did in Zona Cero. So many chains were broken and the enemy was defeated! [note: all pictures are from Zona Cero]
  • As the year reaches its end, we are so very grateful to God for supporters like you. Because of your prayers, your support, and your love we have been able to do what God has called us to accomplish. Thank you so much for the trust you have shown towards IMPACTO Ministry.
  • We praise God no one was hurt during Zona Cero. Everyone made it home safely. We have no doubt in our minds that God was watching over us all as you lifted us in prayer. 

Today I don’t have a verse for you, but I have a story that I want to fit to a verse. Today [December 14] is one of the saddest days of our lives as we said goodbye to a very special lady -- my wife’s mom. An exceptional and loving spouse, mother, daughter, grandmother, great-grandmother, and above all, a daughter of God. Revelation 14:13 says, Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” I hope that you are ready for the day when you are called to eternity, die in Christ and have him in your heart. 


  • As we look back on 2022 and all God allowed us to do and all we had wished we could have done we cannot help but feel a bit apprehensive for 2023. We would ask that you join us in prayer for funds needed. We need funds for:
  1. General Fund
  2. Compassion Ministries
  3. Construction
  4. Training/Pastoral Support

If you would like to know more about any of the above mentioned, feel free to email any of our staff. 

  • We would like to ask that you pray for rest for our staff. After Zona Cero we were all exhausted and most of us came down with a horrific cold. We all seem to be on the mend now and are looking forward to some rest the next couple of weeks. 
  • As we get ready to start a brand new year, we ask that you continue to pray for Impacto, for all the ministries, our workers, the communities we serve, our pastors and churches, our new ministries we will begin, and our staff. Your prayers have carried us all through much more than you know and they are the most important and effective way for you to support us.

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