Oct. 15, 2024 by Impacto

We pray everyone has been having a wonderful October. In the US and Canada this time of year brings lots of changes, especially with the weather and the trees changing color. What a great way to appreciate God’s creation!

As you continue to enjoy these changes, we ask that you take the time to pray these praises and prayer requests with us.


  • We praise God for being halfway through another month. Our staff has been working hard on so many things and planning on so many more to come. Some days it feels like there is not enough ours in the day. But we praise God for allowing us to work for Him fulltime, and for each person He uses for this to be possible.
  • We praise God for providing the full funding of this year’s Pastor’s Congress and Zona Cero! He is our provider and has shown us that once again.
  • We are in awe and so grateful to see our calendar so full for 2025! It’s been mind- blowing to see how fast our calendar is filling up. We are grateful for each team leader and team. Knowing that you believe and support what God is doing in Guatemala through Impacto is very humbling.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10


  • We ask for your continued prayers for wisdom and discernment for our staff. Pray that we will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that we may continue to serve God in a way that reflects the Fruits of the Spirit.
  • Pray that God will give us energy as we prepare to host the last few 2024 teams and as we prepare for our last three large ministry events. Pray that God also will give deep joy to those serving Him and to all those attending.
  • Please pray for provision for our staff for 2025. We do raise our own funds and are working on being fully funded for next year. God always provides and He has never let us down, our trust is in Him.

Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
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