Jan. 15, 2022 by Impacto

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always so fun! It’s the perfect time to start fresh! In Guatemala it marks the beginning of so many things! As we begin 2022, we would like to share some Praises and Requests with you.


  • Last week we were able to meet with the teachers and talk about what we are doing right, what we could make better, and what we can change, as we continue serving the kids, abuelitos, and community. We are eager to share more with you soon!
  • We were able to give the 16th laptop to a church joining the Bible Seminary! We have about 20 churches plus other individuals that meet from their own homes. Monday was our first day back and we had over 115 students! 
  • This week was our first week back for our 4 Happy Tummies! Each town has different COVID regulations; for now, 2 are back in person while 2 are still to-go. If numbers stay down, we’ll be able to have all 4 Happy Tummies and Abuelitos back in person around mid-February.
  • Praise God we have seen such progress in Xejuyu! We cannot wait until you can come back and see it for yourself. We know God is going to use this compound to bring many to Christ and see many being discipled.

I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.

IS anything too hard for me?

Jeremiah 32:17


  • Please pray that with and without COVID restrictions we will still be able to serve to the best of our abilities!
  • We ask that you please join us in prayer as we make decisions about the Bible Seminary and that all teachings are led by God.
  • Would you join us in praying for the health of all our Happy Tummies teachers, kids, Abuelitos, and staff.
  • Please pray for provision. We have seen a dip in our donations, and while our trust is in God, we ask that you prayerfully consider donating towards any of our ministries: Compassion, Construction, General Fund, Training/Pastoral Support. 

Consider this…

Would you consider partnering with us for 2022? In 2021 we opened 2 brand new Happy Tummies! We are now feeding over 200 kids and Abuelitos! We have over 115 students in our Bible Seminary. We have not fired any of our 20 workers during the pandemic. We have been able to provide over 20 additional men with construction work. We have donated medicine and medical care coverage to over 300 people. We have empowered 15 women by teaching them how to sew and gifting them with their own machine. However, with the pandemic we have seen a drop in donations. When the word “we” is used, that includes YOU as your partnership is enabling God’s work to continue! 

We know the last 2 years have been hard for everyone. Yet, if you find it within your means, we ask that you make a one-time, monthly, or yearly donation for us to continue to grow God’s ministry. Please remember, you can give to:

  • Compassion Ministries
  • Construction
  • General Fund
  • Training/Pastoral Support

Thank you so much for supporting Impacto through such trying times.

Pastor David getting a new computer to use with 7 more students for the Bible Institute and 5 ladies for the women's Bible Study

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