Dec. 15, 2021 by Impacto

It’s December! How can this be? We are not sure how but this year felt like it dragged on yet flew by all at the same time!

As we end the year, we would like to bring forth our petition once more that you would help us grow our General Fund. As you know, we are a nonprofit organization with a 501c3. And as we learn more and continue to make sure everything that we do is IRS compliant we have been encouraged to grow our General Fund. Also, the General Fund gives us liberty to help many more in need. 

Below we’d like to share with you a few Praises and Requests, all which we have been able to do or would be able to do through our General Fund.

And, we're adding some pictures at the bottom that we hope you will enjoy and give you a feel for the happiness and thankfulness of those that received a Christmas basket.


  • We praise God that for an entire year of continuing to feeding both our Happy Tummies, our Abuelitos, and open two new Happy Tummies, one in Guatemala City and one in Zacapa! We were able to continue feeding over 250 people, which meant 250 families saw the ripple effects.
  • Thanks be to God! We were able to provide 15 churches with computers and 18 churches with internet so they could join our Bible Seminar weekly. We have over 110 students from all over the country and a church in Mexico!
  • Because of God’s provision we were able to keep over 20 year-round workers employed. In a year where many lost their job, we were able to keep our workers and in doing so impact over 20 families with a steady salary.
  • Praise be to God we were able to host our Christmas Festival last week! Though things still looked different due to COVID, we were able to fellowship way more than last year! We were able to spend time with the kids, the Abuelitos, the pastors, and Impacto workers. And, because of your gifts we were able to bless over 200 families with their Christmas basket, and a live chicken! What a joyous time!

For the Mighty One

has done great things for me,

holy is his name.

Luke 1:49


  • We are diligently praying that God will give us the privilege of starting more Happy Tummies in 2022. Our plan is to start a Happy Tummies at each of the 20 churches we work with. We feel that Happy Tummies is a great ministry for each church, it also is a pathway for evangelism and reaching even more families for Christ.
  • Please join us in praying for the souls that will be reached for Christ. Pray that we will continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus and lead many to come to know Christ and have a personal relationship with Him. 
  • We ask that you pray with us for God’s provision as we continue construction of Xejuyu. We know God has big plans for this complex and pray that He will use it to bring many to Him and disciple many that want to learn more about Him and His Word.

Answer Me This, Please…

Do we have your correct contact information? If you have moved, changed your mailing address, OR your email address, please send the updated information to [email protected]. Sarah prepares the tax-deductible notices and sends them out in January so help her make sure she has your correct contact information. Thank you for your generous gifts and sacrifices as you partner with Impacto to share God’s love in Guatemala.

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