Jan. 15, 2024 by Impacto

The first 15 days of 2024 have us praising and worshiping our God most high!

Below we have some Praises and Prayer Requests we would like to share with you. Please join us in taking them to our Lord in prayer.


  • We praise God for a new year! God is so good and we are so grateful He has given us a new year to serve Him.
  • Our Happy Tummies in San Juan is growing and growing! We have a total of 70 kids signed up and a waiting list of about 10! The past year the parents have really seen the change in Happy Tummies kids. 
  • We are so grateful for Ro|Twelve Ministries! They have provided our curriculum for Happy Tummies for the year. Not only did they provide the curriculum they have also been training us on how to use. We will be using 525 KIDS by Orange. We know many of you are familiar with this and we hope that this will make it easier for teams as they teach Happy Tummies. 
  • All praise, glory, and honor go to God as we were able to celebrate the second graduation for Nueva Vida Bible Institute! We had a total of 39 graduates! 
  • As part of the graduation ceremony the Bible Institute presented Pastor Luis with an Honoris Causa doctorate! 

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Psalm 126:3


We are so excited for the new year and we have many new projects in mind. We have 3 large construction projects we would like to start and, God-willing, finish this year.

  • We are hoping to build our second quad-plex. Many of you who were here last year know that we need more rooms for teams/conferences. Even this weekend with the graduation we were at capacity! 
  • We’re also working on getting our headquarter offices done. As you know most of our staff work out of our bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, and closets that we’ve turned into offices! As the ministry grows, we feel the need to have offices and office hours. It’s important to have separate areas for family life and for work life. 
  • We’re also trying to fix up a house we have near Happy Tummies. The reason for this being that we would love to use it as a “missionary house”. We have couples and single adults interested in working with us part time or interning for longer periods of time and although Xejuyu is open to them, they too need areas to separate themselves from “work”/ministry and rest/personal time. 

As we talked about these projects during our staff meeting it felt like we were talking about huge projects that almost feel like far-off dreams. However, as we look back to what God has done and provided in the last few years, we realize those seemed like impossible dreams, yet God provided and opened the way for them to get done. We know God has big plans, and we know that our plans are not always His plans. However, we also know that our staff has spent endless hours praying and laying these plans at the feet of Jesus.

Please, join us in praying for these construction projects. Pray with us that, if they are in God’s will, He will provide and make a way.

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