June 30, 2022 by Impacto

And just like that we are halfway through the year! How is this happening so fast?! June has been a blast! We have hosted our first summer teams, met lots of new friends and are preparing to host the rest of the summer teams. We are also prepping for a very busy fall season. 

Fall is not usually our busy season, but it seems like this year that will change. We will be able to host awesome teams, some who we have not seen in a while and others who are brand new! We love seeing old friends and meeting new friends to show them all God is doing in Guatemala. 

The rainy season has hit hard this year, and though we are saddened to see the havoc it has caused, we are also grateful to see the harvest grow. As you may know, we ask for a US$35 donation per child for Happy Tummies. Seeing all costs rise daily we have been working diligently to do our part. Therefore, our crops are important to us. The more we can plant and harvest the more chance we have of keeping our budget on target.

This week we harvested cauliflower, cucumbers, mangos, bananas, herbs, beets, and radishes! We have many other crops still growing and feel blessed by the harvest God has allowed.

Heaven and earth will pass away

but my words will never pass away.

Matthew 24:35


Matthew 24:35 tells us that "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."

I want to share with you an experience I had this month. We had a family whom we had never met to find us through a Google search. Without knowing us or us knowing them they came Guatemala for a few days to minister alongside us. This is where those words of the Lord came to me, “Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, And nations who do not know you shall run to you, Because of the Lord your God, And the Holy One of Israel; For He has glorified you.” Isaiah 55:5

I praise God for all those who, without knowing anyone here, come to love and minister to the people of Guatemala so well. Thank you for your obedience to Jesus’ command to “go and tell.”

May God bless you,

Pastor Luis

As an organization that has been hosting short term mission trips for a long time, we have seen a bit of everything! Hosting teams is a lot of work. Some have asked, would it not be better if we just sent down the funds instead of us coming? Are we providing work for just a week and leaving? Are the locals becoming dependent on teams doing everything? Are we even making a difference in one week? 

Let us be the ones to tell you that you are making a huge impact! Yes, the teams provide work for many, over 20 families are directly impacted every time a team comes. Over 70 kids have a permanent smile for the week your team is here. Our staff feels supported and loved. And most importantly many come to know and see Jesus through you.

Last week we held our first medical team since before COVID! A lot of medicine was donated, and many found treatment for their ailment. However, more than that 2 people came to Christ! During each medical clinic we ask a local pastor to be present; this way there is follow-up with the patients. Our pastor last week was able to pray with these two sweet souls and bring them to the feet of Jesus. 

So, yes. You are making a difference, you are making an impact, and the connections and relationships you build are worth more than gold or silver. So, if you are interested in leading a team or joining a team, reach out to us and we will do the best we can to get you down here ASAP!

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Age is Not a Factor in Serving
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Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
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