One hundred twenty-three. That is how many days we have until Zona Cero (Youth Camp)! We just wrapped up our Bible Conference a few days ago and we are now pivoting to Zona Cero! Last year we hosted over 208 teens for Zona Cero. This year we will be preparing for 225, knowing it could be more, or it could be less.
What we do know is that God is going to do wonderful things. We know that God will break chains and set many free. We know teens will find their identity in Christ, and many will come to know Him as their personal Savior!
Our ministry events such as the Bible Conference, Pastor’s Congress, and Zona Cero are the toughest to raise funds for. Consequently, we humbly ask that you prayerfully consider donating towards Zona Cero. Your gift could be the tool God uses to bring another soul to His feet. As mentioned above, this is one of the hardest ministries to raise funds for, but with your help we can reach our goal. We need $17,500 to cover all costs for our Youth Camp. Please consider donating today visiting on our website’s donate page for instructions on other ways to help partner with Impacto’s ministry efforts.
"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness..."
Genesis 1:26a [NIV]
Have you heard the expression, “you learn something new every day”? This past week in the Bible study at our church, our pastor taught from chapter 1 of Genesis, about God being the Creator of the heavens and earth. The passage I want to share with you about this is in verse 26: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…”
What was God’s purpose in making man in His image and likeness? To manifest His glory to mankind. But to which mankind if Adam was the only man on earth? God then created woman and Adam could manifest God’s glory to Eve. In turn Eve could manifest the Glory of God to Adam.
If God ’s purpose in making us in His image is to show others His glory, our biggest challenge is to show His glory through our daily walk. We need to make sure our actions are honoring and not shaming God’s glory. Are you showing His glory to your family, your co-workers, your friends, those you encounter, daily -- in the grocery store, the gym, the elevator…?
It is not easy. We are always walking towards the peak to do this but never quite reaching it. Nevertheless, we must continue to try our best, with God’s help, to show His glory through all we do. It’s a big challenge for me. I want to challenge you to do your best to show His glory though all your actions. Let’s work together to be His image and likeness to others, for His glory.
May God bless you.
Pastor Luis
Amid preparations for Zona Cero (Youth Camp), we will host close to 15 teams, hold Stitches of Blessings graduation, prep for other end-of-the-year events, and begin planning for the first months of 2024. Phew!
We are so grateful for a busy calendar. During the two years of the pandemic, we saw a glimpse of our lives with no teams and no large ministry events, and now we cannot stop praising God for a busy calendar. We are so happy to be hosting teams again, to seeing friends we haven’t seen since 2019, and to be a part of work that is being done to grow the Kingdom.
Every day we thank God for allowing us to work in ministry full-time. It’s humbling to know that you support us and the ministry God has called us to do. Please continue to pray for us, for strength, wisdom, patience, and the right words as we continue sharing Christ with many.