June 15, 2024 by Impacto

June has started and so has the rain! It’s peculiar when the thing you’re grateful for is also the thing that’s causing havoc around the country. Below we share more about the rain and other Praises and Prayer Requests.


  • We praise God for the rain! The crops around the country have taken a little longer this year, but praise God they are now growing and thriving and we are so grateful!
  • Praise God we have officially begun our summer season of teams. It is our busiest season of the year, but also our favorite! Seeing teams filled with old friends and new ones is always a plus. Not to mention all that God does through each team and the doors that each team opens for us to continue year-round ministry.
  • We continue to glorify God as we are seeing the second quadplex almost completed. God has been so faithful in providing through many of you. To Him be all the glory!

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way

you will fulfill the law of Christ

Galatians 6:2


  • Please pray for safety due to so much rain here in Guatemala. There have been a lot of accidents, mudslides, and flooding in the past week. Pray for all those who have been affected.
  • We also ask that you lift a prayer for each team joining us this summer. Please pray for their safety, physical and mental health, as well as any spiritual battle they may be facing. We know the enemy likes to attack when we’re getting ready to participate in God’s big plans, pray that the enemy will stay for away from each of those coming and those around them.
  • A friendly reminder: Our Pastor’s Conference is coming up in just one month. There is still time for you to give towards ministering to those who minister.

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