March 31, 2020 by Mariah Griner

In 2017, I did a 4 week internship with Impacto and that experience has forever changed my life!

My journey getting there was a growing experience in itself, but my time working alongside Impacto is best described as a blessing. I’ll be honest here and say I initially didn't want to do an internship because of the many unknowns, the fundraising, the language barrier, etc. I came up with a bunch of reasons why not to do it because I was ultimately scared, but I felt strongly that God wanted me to do this, so I applied.

Then God made a way for me by opening every door that was before me to get me there. It was incredible! So I went, but was still terrified! I wondered what I could do, how I could help. I seriously questioned why I was there almost half the time. I thought there could be someone much better suited, skilled, and prepared to help Impacto. But as I heard someone say recently “ God chooses who he chooses.” It’s that simple. I don't know why God chose me, but he did.

Through this experience, God taught me many things. He showed me that he knows me, loves me, and wants what's best for me. “ God's ways are higher” is something I had read and heard - maybe even said, but I fully believe it now because of what God showed me through that experience. God showed me that he has given me a purpose. There are things He has put on my heart and in my hand to use to show His love and to build His kingdom. After a week or two into my time there, I realized what God had put specifically on my heart to do was to pray for the teams and their ministries each day and to be available and pray for opportunities to listen and encourage them.

And guess what? God brought me sooo many opportunities. I heard so many stories, I was able to share my own and encourage different ones. I saw God moving and working all around me through the Impacto staff, through the teams, and through the local Guatemalan people. That was my favorite part - seeing so many hearts and lives changed or impacted by the love of God.

As an intern, you’ll do a lot of the little stuff and you’ll get to see the behind the scenes work that Impacto does day in and day out. You’ll see that It is not all glamorous or easy. It can be exhausting and very hard at times, but from working with Impacto, you’ll be able to learn so much from their selfless attitudes and examples. Their actions speak loudly of God's love and grace.

I don’t know what God will teach you and how he’ll use you if you choose to do an internship with Impacto, but i do know that you will leave different than as you came.

So, If you want to witness and be apart of what God is doing in Guatemala, if you want to stretch and grow in your faith, and if you want to be blessed beyond measure, I encourage you to consider applying to intern with Impacto.

God is using Impacto’s Internship program to change lives, and I am proof of that!

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