Oct. 15, 2023 by impacto

What do you do when “life throws you curveballs”? We know everyone reacts differently to them, but we also know that there is One who is not bothered by curveballs. One who is all knowing and all powerful. So, during uncertain times let us lean on God and trust in His understanding. 

Thank you for taking the time this month to read and pray over our Praises and Prayer Requests.


  • We praise God because He always provides. Our Happy Tummies and Abuelitos are so grateful for all they receive. With prices rising so much for food and other needs, they do not take for granted what is given to them through the ministry.
  • Many of you know there have been nationwide roadblocks in Guatemala. This has caused prices for food, gas, propane, and items needed daily to triple in price, and to become scarce. Yet we praise God, because He has helped us be good stewards and we have been able to continue to feed many.
  • Praise be to God because He has kept us all safe during the protests. The protests have been peaceful and we do not fear for our safety. To Him be all the glory!

Above: Happy Tummies Zacapa

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7 [NIV]


  • We ask that you pray for Guatemala. Pray for God to manifest Himself. Pray that everyone involved will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that we will see the fruits of the Spirit flourish and the desires of the flesh fade.
  • Pray for provision. As mentioned above food has gone up in price and is scarce; please pray this won’t last long as we want to continue feeding Happy Tummies, Abuelitos, and as many others as we can
  • Pray for roadblocks to be lifted. Again, they don’t pose any danger, but they are a giant inconvenience in addition to blocking much-needed supplies. Guatemala will have a lot of financial recovery to do after this.

above: Abuelitos

below: Happy Tummies Panyebar...proving kids are the same everywhere, aren't they?

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