Oct. 31, 2022 by impacto

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,

and he will reward them for what they have done.

Psalm 19:17

Your Gift to Jesus

When the Christmas season is near, we start making a list. A list of things that we want or would really like to have. Do you know that Jesus has a list? On this list is the things He wants us to give to him. Proverbs 23:26 says “My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways.” 

Without a doubt I can say that in our hearts we can keep all those good things that we can possess; our family, our time, our money or resources and it’s in our hearts where all these good things are administrated. He wants our hearts. 

As the year approaches to an end, we are thinking of projects we have planned for these months. One of them is to bring many teens that haven’t heard of the Gospel, to our youth camp, Zona Cero. 

Would you like to give a present to Christ? You can do so by donating $100 so that a teen can come to this event and hear about Christ and receive salvation in Him.

Proverbs 19:17 says “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.“ Lend to the Lord and surely, he will repay you with interest. 

May God bless you. 

Pastor Luis

Zona Cero Youth Camp

This year we are hosting our first Zona Cero Youth Camp since 2019! You can only imagine how excited and ready we are to see so many old friends and meet many new ones as well. This year we have been reminiscing a great deal about past youth camps. The fact that so many lives have changed through Zona Cero is still very humbling for us. 

Earlier this month at our Pastor’s Congress we saw some young men and women who had been a part of Zona Cero a few years back. Now they’re grown, married, and becoming leaders in their churches! They speak of Zona Cero fondly and are hoping to bring youth from their church this year. It is really remarkable to know that for 5 days out of the year we can pour into these teens, show them the love of Jesus, and establish life-long friendships.

We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us as we minister to the teens of Guatemala. We need $15,000 to cover the entire youth camp for over 150 teens. This will include, lodging, meals, snacks, material, and so much more! You can click on DONATE NOW to find out how you can give to help with this event.

Make sure you’re following us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up on the updates we will share. And above all, please pray that many teens will come to know Christ and His love.

above: Zona Cero 2019 Nighttime Rally

below: Zona Cero 2019 Workshop Session

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