Oct. 15, 2020 by Sarah

Can you believe we are less than 3 months from celebrating Christmas?! As we near the Christmas season we encourage you to remember why we celebrate. We celebrate the birth of our Savior. The One who came down and died for us for our sins, not for the promise of an ok life, but an incredible and perfect eternity!

Below we’d like to share a few Praises and a specific Request we’d like you to include in your prayer list. Once more, we are so grateful for you, for supporting us, praying for and with us, and being part of our ministry.


  • We praise God because we were able to re-open Happy Tummies To Go earlier this month.
  • Our staff is so grateful as we have been receiving some much-needed training and encouragement from many. We are working on some internal matters and hope to continue to grow as a ministry.
  • We are so thankful God has continued to provide for our Compassion Ministries. Healing Hands has been a vital ministry during this pandemic, with so many not having a steady income to buy medicines for issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, infections, etc. Of course, all this is given with the correct prescription from local doctors. We also have continued to help two children who must travel to Guatemala City often for cancer treatments.


“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even

though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man,

I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.

The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along

with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

1 Timothy 1:12-14


  • December is always a special time for Impacto. We spend a week celebrating Christmas with each of our Happy Tummies, Abuelitos, Happy Tummies’ moms, and workers. During the celebration, we do games, a special meal, small gifts, piñatas, and tell the Christmas story. However, this year, due to the current circumstances we will be doing things a bit differently. Many of the families in San Juan live off of tourism, and that has been shut down since March! We know for many families Christmas will look different this year. Therefore we would like to gift each family with a big food basket. This basket will include everything our food bags include, plus, we’d like to add a few splurge items some families might not be able to enjoy this year. Such as, but not limited to Christmas cookies, sodas, and other snacks. We would also like to gift each family with a chicken for their tamales, which is the traditional Guatemalan Christmas meal. We pray that you will prayerfully consider joining the effort of bringing a smile to these families for Christmas. We will need 150 baskets and chickens. Each bundle will have a cost of US$35 - you can make a donation to the Compassion Ministry fund from our website and/or get information on how right here. We know, with your help, we can make this Christmas a special one for many.


When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Matthew 9:36

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