Aug. 15, 2022 by Impacto

August as been such a full and eventful month! We’re only half-way yet it feels as if August started 6 months ago! Below are some Praises and Requests we’d like to share with you all about August. 


  • This summer we had the privilege to host 3 interns, Angie Miller, Peter Cardillo, and Julie Williams [pictured above]. All three of them did an amazing job and we are so thankful for their lives and their willingness to serve. We praise God for their lives.
  • This month God allowed us to host a medical team for 3 days working in Zacapa and 1 day in Guatemala City! We saw over 430 people, 27 come to the feet of Jesus, and 7 found reconciliation! We were also able to assist people who needed extensive medical care. Zacapa is located in a very hot part of Guatemala. Medical teams are a great way to serve the community while showing them Christ’s love and telling them about our ultimate Healer. To God be the glory!
  • We are so grateful for our supporters. Our staff works hard raising funds and it truly is overwhelming to know that we are able to be here because of you. Thank you for believing in us and encouraging us to continue fighting the good fight. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

Hebrews 11:1-2


  • We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us in our newest ministry: Soccer Academy. The number of benefits that a ministry like this would bring to our community are colossal. Many young kids will come to see how they can worship God through sport, they will learn good sportsmanship, and have many men and women of God around to mentor them and guide them. The extent of Biblical teachings the children will receive through this will shape them for the adults they will become.
  • Please pray for our staff. Working full time in ministry is so very humbling. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is a privilege and we are so grateful we get to do it. Some days it’s hard, some days it’s tiring, some days it feels like we’re not doing enough. Pray that our spirits will stay strong and that we may lean on God and continue to serve Him daily.
  • We can use a lot of prayer as we are preparing for 3 major ministry events for 2022. We have our VBS coming up, as well as the Pastor’s Congress, and Zona Cero. These will be our first big ministry events since COVID. Please pray for provision and for our staff to be diligent in getting everything done in a timely manner. 

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