May 15, 2022 by Impacto


  • We praise God for all the mothers out there! Sunday, May 15, we were able to celebrate the moms of our newest church, How Great Thou Art. Our Happy Tummies kids were asked to do something special for moms and they did. What joy there was during this celebration! There were 130 people attending and 5 women who reconciled/accepted Jesus as their Savior! All Glory to God!
  • We are so thankful to God to be hosting our first team of 2022! We have missed hosting teams terribly and are so excited to spend the week ministering alongside Hillside Church.
  • We are thankful for some loosening of mandates in Guatemala. This means that we can now host all Happy Tummies kids at once, no more small groups or To Go! We are all back together in person! It's hard to tell who is happier with this ... the kids, teachers, or our staff! Praise the Lord!

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:1 NIV


  • We ask that you please continue to join us in prayer for all our church plants. The enemy is trying very hard to mess with His people. But we are not done fighting the good fight!
  • Please join us in prayer as we begin hosting teams again. Pray for safety and good health. The number of blessings each team brings to our community are immense on so many levels.
  • As we are nearing the end of construction for the first quadplex in Xejuyu we ask that you prayerfully consider donating towards furnishing each room. We need 5 bunk beds in each room for a total of 20 bunk beds. We also need curtain rods, mattresses, pillows, sheets, curtains, and more! We are so close to seeing the end of this construction phase and we would love for you to partner with us.

TRAINING MINISTRIES -- continued from last e-letter

In our last newsletter, we told you a bit about the Bible Institute and now we'd like to highlight The Pastors and The Bible Conferences. Did you know that when you donate towards our Training fund you are helping us disciple a plethora of Jesus followers?

These are two very similar ministry events. When we first started the Pastors Congress we based the teachings off of a single Christ-centered book asking the speakers to teach on that book. The book being used was, of course, gifted to each participant. Now, if a specific book is not being used, we make sure to gift a resource book for each participant.

These events both take place from Monday through Thursday. We avoid the weekend as many pastors need to be at their church on Sunday. They arrive Monday afternoon and leave Thursday after breakfast. Besides the book/materials they are given we also provide 8 meals, 2 snacks, notebook, pen, pencil, eraser, highlighter, and lodging for 3 nights. For all this we ask for an offering of US$25. Over half of the participants pay a fraction or none of this amount. Many travel for over 10 hours to get to us and transportation costs are on the rise.

This is where we need your help. It costs $250 to sponsor 1 person for one of these events. So many of the pastors, their wives, and leaders are running on empty and we feel the call to fill their cups and minister to them. 

We haven’t been able to host a congress/conference since 2019! This year we will be hosting the Pastor’s Congress in October 2022! We are so excited and cannot wait to pour into each participant after almost 3 years of a pandemic! Thanks for partnering with us!

Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
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Age is Not a Factor in Serving
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