May 14, 2021 by Impacto

As we ready ourselves for the second half of May we cannot help but notice the difference between years. We are grateful this year looks different from 2020, yet said looks are different from pre-pandemic years. When changes like this hit us we are reminded of our never changing Christ, who “is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8b).

Below are some Praises and Prayer Requests we hope you will add to your prayer lists.


  • We praise God for Dr. Natareno’s life. Earthly goodbyes are always hard but, we are so grateful that we have the hope to one day see Him again.
  • We are so grateful to God as He has allowed us to open our newest Happy Tummies in Zacapa. This is a ministry we have been praying about for a long time. We are so thankful and delighted to see this prayer answered. [above photo is grand opening]
  • Construction is coming along. We are in awe of the way God has provided and the progress that has been made in Xejuyu.
  • We praise God during this month for all the wonderful mothers out there! May you be celebrated this month, feel loved and appreciated. Happy Mother’s Day!

Progress at Xejuyu shown above and below

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord

than to trust humans.”

Psalm 118:8

Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for Dr. Natareno’s family as they navigate through their grief.
  • As we celebrate the start of a new Happy Tummies we cannot help but be a little apprehensive about funds. Pray with us that God will continue to provide as He always has. We ask that you prayerfully consider donating towards our Happy Tummies ministries. You can do this on our website under Compassion Ministries. [above photo from 1st day at Zacapa Happy Tummies]
  • Please join us in prayer for discernment as our staff continues to make daily decisions concerning ministries, teams, and much more during this pandemic.
  • We lift up in prayer all those who have a hard time on Mother’s Day. Whatever your pain, remember, God is with you and will comfort you until the end of times

Zacapa Happy Tummies shown above and below

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