March 16, 2021 by Impacto

Can you believe it was 1 year ago we were asked to close all our ministries for 2 weeks? We figured 2 weeks and we’d be back in business! Boy, were we mistaken! Through this last rough year we hope Pastor Luis’ words have rung in your ears, “joy is a choice; will you decide to be joyful or grumpy today?”

More importantly remember what God’s Word says, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

Below we would like to share with you some reasons we are rejoicing and praising God and some reasons we are rejoicing as we ask God in “prayer and supplication” (Phil. 4:6) to fulfill those needs.

Praises, Hallelujah

  • We have said this time and time again, we praise God for the Virtual Bible Seminary! We praise God for all of you who have faithfully donated towards this ministry. The feedback we have received has been delightful. So many leaders, laymen and laywomen, new pastors, old pastors, and some that want to simply learn more of the Word of God have joined us for weekly classes. Praise God!
  • We praise God for this hard, crazy, outrageous year we have had. We have learned so much! We have been reminded to trust in God, we have been reminded of the awesome supporters He has given us, and we have been reminded that there are a million ways we can show the love of Christ.
  • A ministry that has been a huge blessing over the last year has been Healing Hands. We have been able to assist many with medicine, lab work, ambulance (here you have to give the gas money needed to use an ambulance), chemotherapy, x-rays, and so much more!
  • The construction at Xejuyu is something we are praising God for daily. As we see the vision taking shape, as we look at the many men working for a stable salary, as we imagine the future and know that God will use it for many to hear the Good News and come to know Him as their Lord and Savior, we cannot help but feel an overwhelming amount of gratefulness to God and to you, our supporters.

Umbrella shade aleluya


“and teaching them to obey everything

I have commanded you. And surely I am with you

always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28:20

Requests Aleluya

  • We kindly ask that you lift our entire staff in prayer. We have had to make tough decisions and still have more to make. Pray that God will guide us and give us discernment so that we may do His will.
  • Please pray that we will know how to best serve the community and share the Gospel with those around us -- especially with those going through hard times due to different aspects of COVID.
  • We ask that you prayerfully consider donating towards our Compassion Ministries. When you do, you help ministries such as Healing Hands and others that have been an enormous blessing to many.
  • Pray for all Impacto workers -- for them to remain healthy and also for the safety of those in construction

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