March 15, 2022 by Impacto

Can you believe it’s been 2 years since everything shut down due to COVID? Here in Guatemala March, April, and May of 2020 were very different. We had a curfew that began at 2pm and lasted the entire weekend! It’s crazy to think back to those days. 

Below we would like to share with you some Praises and Requests as we mark the 2 years since COVID began. 


  • We praise God for a new year for our Stitches of Blessings class. We have been hard at work preparing the projects and material for our upcoming first class on March 28.
  • We are so happy and grateful to have our kids back at Happy Tummies! We have enjoyed spending time with them in person. It has been such a fun month!
  • We are starting a new Nueva Vida Church here in San Juan named, How Great Thou Art. We are thrilled! This is something that has been in our hearts for a long time. God had His perfect timing and we are happy to report we will be having our first service on April 3. We have been busy planning and prepping for that this month.
  • Because of many of you who have brought school supplies in the past and many more who continue to send during the pandemic, we were able to provide the kids at two Happy Tummies locations with new school supplies! They were delighted with all their goodies!

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.

I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18

This verse is dedicated to all women -- thank you for your willingness to always lend a helping hand.


  • We ask that you continue to pray and consider supporting us as we plan for our VBS in November. We are planning for 300 children for the week. We hope to minister to them through worship, learning the Bible, games, meals, crafts, and much more!
  • Pray for our staff and Happy Tummies teachers. This month we have had all hands-on deck! The children here are behind on their education. We are seeing third graders who cannot read, and our hearts break thinking of the effects of the last 2 years. But God has allowed us to be back in person and we are giving it our all to support the kids. As they are back in school, it is even more important to get them to where they need to be academically.
  • Please continue to pray for our construction project in Xejuyu. We have always said that this complex would be used to glorify God’s name and bring many to know Jesus and their Lord and Savior. 
  • Pray for our new Church, How Great Thou Art. The church will be held in the Xejuyu Complex! We are so excited to see many come to Christ and see many disciples and leaders reach the purpose God has for them. 

Above: Working on plans for How Great Though Art Church
Below: Kids brushing teeth at new larger sink at Happy Tummies San Juan

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