Feb. 28, 2021 by Impacto Aleluya

What a month February has been! We praise God so much for all that has been accomplished. At the start of 2021 we did not know what the year would hold, and you want to know something? We still do not know! With COVID-19 things can change at the drop of a hat. Yet, we had no idea that we would be able to do what we did in February. But God. He had plans! During the pandemic our staff has felt cautious to make long-term plans. “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 [NLT]

Child Praying - Praise Jesus

We had not planned to start in-person Happy Tummies or Abuelitos this month. We had a different date to start the brand-new Happy Tummies, We did not know we would have in-person Stitches of Blessings this month. We did not know we would be hosting virtual Bible Institute and Bible Study with close to 100 students combined. We did not know we would be starting a massive construction project during a pandemic. But God. He knew! We had and have plans and, though we try to stick to a timeline, God’s timeline sometimes looks different. We have learned that His timing is perfect! We are so glad that many things we were not planning have happened. He is good! He is moving! He is doing big things! And He is receiving all the glory!

Pastor Luis Corner - Aleluya

In this world you will have trouble.

But take heart! I have overcome the world!

John 15:33b [NIV]


Last week we had our annual Impacto retreat. Pastor Jim Watkins, in one of our sessions spoke about the theme “I am a Giant Killer!” Pastor Jim had asked ahead of time for us to get a small rock, small enough that we could carry every day in our pocket. This small stone is to remind us daily that with God’s power, we can say that we are giant killers. I don’t know what your giant is today. It can be something that is difficult for you to deal with, like the loss of a loved one or a bad relationship, finances or studies, a bad decision or an answer you can’t seem to find. John 16:33b [NIV] says “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Since Jesus has overcome the world, we can truly say, “I am a Giant Killer!”

Children Worshipping - Aleluya

A New Happy Tummies

As we move forward and ‘cautiously’ make plans we are looking forward to a new Happy Tummies in Zacapa. Zacapa is a hot, humid, dry, area with loving, humble, beautiful people! A Happy Tummies is much needed in the area. Our church in Zacapa has started with Happy Tummies on Sundays after Sunday School. They are feeding 30+ children on their own. However, they do not have the resources needed to feed the children all week long. This is where we need your help! Please, prayerfully consider donating towards our Compassion Ministries to help feed the children in Zacapa.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me….Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:35-36; 40 [NIV]

Seated Girls Smiling - Jesus Christ is Lord

Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
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God’s Light is Shining Bright
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Age is Not a Factor in Serving
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