March 31, 2024 by Impacto

“Why do you look for the living among the dead?

He is not here, He is risen!”

(Luke 24:5b-6a)

He is risen indeed! What a wonderful day we are celebrating! Today we want to take time in our newsletter to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, our Lord. We hope that each of you took the time today to stop and pray, thanking God for what He did for us in sending His only Son to take our place on that cross for our sins. We pray that you also take the time to rejoice in the fact that just 3 days later He arose from the grave and triumphed over death!

Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes

in the name of the Lord!

John 12:13

As we come to an end of Holy Week, the Bible brings to my memory Palm Sunday. When Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, contrary to a king’s, was sitting on a donkey with people shouting “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” (John 12:13).

The curious thing is that when He saw the city, He wept over the city, He wept when He saw the sins of the people, He wept as He knew they weren’t going to accept Him.

John 1:11-12 says “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (NIV) 

When I ask people if everyone is a child of God, many believe that we are all children of God. We may be confused that just because we go to church, or give offerings, or try to live a good moral life, we will gain acces to heaven. According to verse 12, we can only find eternal life in heaven, if we receive Jesus and if we believe in His name, then we will have the right to be children of God.

Happy Easter! He is Risen!

Pastor Luis

We Love Teams

Starting January 20, ending March 23 we hosted 10 teams, it was so much fun! We met so many new people and were able to see many old friends. We reconnected with friends who we have not seen in years and saw some that we had seen recently. It’s hard to describe the encouragement and joy that teams bring to our souls. Many teams know they are coming to serve the local people, and let us tell you, they do a fantastic job! We saw so many kids at Happy Tummies learn more, ask Jesus to be their Lord, and ask some deep and hard questions. The seeds planted by teams is incredible! We saw many kids and teens come to Christ during sports camps and some that came back after straying away.

What some teams don’t know is that they minister to our staff as much as they minister to the community. We feel encouraged, supported, and loved by each and every team that comes to minister alongside us.

So, if you are thinking of joining a team or leading a team, feel free to reach out to Andrea Mendez at [email protected] for more information. There is still time for you to form a team for Fall 2024!

Age is Not a Factor in Serving
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Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
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Kennedy Williams Testimony
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God’s Light is Shining Bright
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