We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. 2 Thessalonians 1:3

Who Knew?! God Did but We Didn't!

Feb. 28, 2021 by Impacto Aleluya

What a month February has been! We praise God so much for all that has been accomplished. At the start of 2021 we did not know what the year would hold, and you want to know something? We still do not know! With COVID-19 things can change at the drop …


Feb. 15, 2021 by Impacto

Is it just us, or is February flying by? This month has been very busy for our staff but we are all delighting in everything that has happened! Below we would like to share some praises and requests so that you may join us in bringing them before our Lord …

January 2021 is already over!

Jan. 31, 2021 by Impacto

Finishing the first month of 2021 is a little surreal. Our staff is so grateful to God for allowing us to see this new year. Life is so full of uncertainties, and when you are living through a pandemic, you learn to value life a little differently. The last year …

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! Prayers & Prayer Requests

Jan. 16, 2021 by Impacto

Oh my goodness! What a whirlwind! The first half of January has taken us for a ride. We knew we would have a lot going on, our calendars showed meetings, trips, and the start of different projects; but it’s one thing to see it on a calendar and another to …

Guatemala? No Way! We are not going to Guatemala.
March 23, 2020 by Phil and Kathy Troyer
God’s Light is Shining Bright
March 23, 2020 by Karna Wieck, Iowa
Age is Not a Factor in Serving
March 23, 2020 by Jan Landrum
Kennedy Williams Testimony
March 31, 2020 by Kennedy Williams