TRAINING/PASTORAL SUPPORT, is very important. We know many pastors, leaders, and lay people who are obeying God’s call, even though they’ve had no previous training. Their faith is admirable. We don’t know many who would be willing to take on such huge roles with no training. As our relationship grew with different local churches we began to see the great need for training and resources.
Subsequently, God laid it in our hearts to begin offering training opportunities. We reached out to friends asking if they’d be willing to come and share on different topics where they had training and experience. We’ve been able to offer various trainings for pastors such as, homiletics, how to give pre-marital counseling, dispensation chart, spiritual gifts, and so much more! A few other topics are VBS, Sunday School (for kids, teens, and adults), Bookkeeping, etc.. Our TRAINING/PASTORAL SUPPORT MINISTRIES include: Bible Institute, Bible Conference, Pastors Congress, Zona Cero.